Ассистент: Привет! Я обрабатываю ваши запросы на естественном языке, например:
“Анализируйте период с 1 ноября 2025 года по 25 апреля 2028 года.”
or “Добавьте 100 рабочих дней к 25 февраля 2026 года.”
or “Следующий четверг в 14:12 + 124 рабочих часа”
When you sign in, your settings (public holidays preferences, custom dates definitions, ..) get stored safely on line and will be available from any desktop. When you are not signed in, your settings are only stored temporally on your local PC (using cookies) and thus can be lost easily. Read our privacy policy.
No, we do not receive any password, we are just delegating the authentication process. We won't be receiving any of your personal information except your name and email address used for the unique purpose of identifying you on Denmark.workingdays.org. The email address will never be used for any other purpose.